Regulation KickOff Campaign

KickOff is the first campaign offered on the Wincirque platform, aiming to celebrate the platform's launch. During the campaign, all games are available for free, and players' performance will be rewarded after the campaign ends.

Campaign Rules

  • The campaign is available for the first 1000 users. However, this limit is not absolute. If the limit of 1000 is exceeded, users will still be rewarded based on their position in the ranking.
  • Once the campaign ends, games will no longer be available for free.
  • Once the limit of 1000 players is reached, or all available free tickets are obtained, no new games will be created. The final ranking will be compiled after the completion of all ongoing games.
  • For each prediction made in a game, users receive points (WinPoints). These points determine users' positions in the ranking. With each stage of a game, the number of WinPoints received increases. Winners of a game receive double WinPoints. For example, if a player has received 500 points before being declared the winner of a game, they can earn an additional 500 points by clicking the ‘Claim Prize‘ button on the game page.
  • The rules of each game are available on the page where free game passes can be obtained. Additionally, the rules are available on the game page by clicking the question mark icon at the top of the page.

Conduct of Games in the Campaign

Users receive WinPoints throughout the campaign. After the completion of all campaign games, the ranking will be centralized. Shortly after this process, the WinPoints balance of each user and their progress will be reset.

Depending on the position in the ranking, users will receive new WinPoints, which they can use to purchase new game passes.

Game pass-urile de dupa terminarea campaniei vor putea fi achizitionate prin platirea pretului stabilit sau folosind contravaloarea in WinPoints, dupa cum va fi specificat pe pagina fiecarui produs. Aceste game pass-uri vor fi inscrise automat in campaniile cu premii in bani.

Game passes after the end of the campaign can be purchased by paying the specified price or using the equivalent in WinPoints, as specified on each product's page. These game passes will be automatically enrolled in cash prize campaigns


The prizes will consist of WinPoints that can be kept and used after the end of the campaign. Points during the campaign will be reset. Prizes will be determined based on the ranking, as follows:

  • 1st place: Equivalent in WinPoints for 3 months of game passes (72 game passes)
  • 2nd-10th places: Equivalent in WinPoints for 1 month of game passes (24 game passes)
  • 11th-50th places: Equivalent in WinPoints for 1 week of game passes (6 game passes)
  • 51st-100th places: Equivalent in WinPoints for 1 game pass
  • From 101st place to the end of the ranking: WinPoints to obtain a free game pass after purchasing the first game pass and making the first prediction in the game.